Kiley is a six year old Australian shepherd. She lost her left hind leg two years ago when horse trailer fell on her. The leg was crushed and not repairable. The only option was amputation. The original owner leads a very active lifestyle and Kiley would keep up but would not be able to walk at the end of the day. She was on daily pain meds. Euthanasia was being considered unless a home could be found for her with controlled exercise. We rescued/adopted her a little over a year ago. Our home is primarily tile floor. Kiley came from a carpeted home and was very hesitant on the tile floor. She had no choice but to walk across the living area to come through the home. But when she had a choice, she would not enter bathrooms, laundry room etc. where there was tile flooring. Now, we are gradually seeing some relaxation and confidence growing with the NeoPaw shoe on her right hind. She is quite strong on the fore quarters so we decided to just try the shoe on her hind where she does slip out occasionally. Outside, she can now play ball with the best of them without fear of skidding out and falling down. And, she is no longer on daily pain medication. We are very happy with your product and your customer service. Carrie