Dear Ronnie, My dog was five and a half when she first started wearing boots for the winter for walks. It took her two days to adjust to the feel of boots as at first she refused to move in them because she can be an incredibly stubborn girl. But once she got over taking high steps in them, she adjusted well. She then started climbing up snow banks and sniffing and taking care of business in them as though they weren’t even on. But most importantly, she did not pause (no pun intended) in her walks once she was wearing shoes. Apparently they kept her feet dry or warm or protected from the salts that are placed on the road. Also her hair takes a long time to dry so her feet were more inclined to remain dry and not smelly on those snowy winter walks. I only use the boots for walks, not for being let outdoors just to walk around the yard. If the shoes get salty, I wash the neoprene off and put them by the wood stove and they are dry and ready for wear the next day. So this spring I bought her summer shoes the reinforced steel sneakers so I can take her to the beach, on hot surfaces etc and just everywhere. She is not resistant now to having the shoes placed on her. They get a lot of use so I just wash them if they get dirty, as we trek along beaches, streams etc and they are dry the next day. Love these shoes, and I think the stubborn little Bergamasco (Italian Sheepdog) does too-just doesn’t want to admit it. 🙂 I am most appreciative to you, Ronnie for making such a perfect shoe– it is the only one out there worth spending money on. I don’t buy my dog diamond bracelets or fancy outfits or carriages, but I do take the responsibility to provide her with things that keep her healthy and fit. I told my vet about this product so she can be enlightened and pass along the word to those in need, or those who care about their dogs too. Take very good care of your canine friend-invest in these products for them-PLEASE!! Susanne McCarthy