Dogs suffering with joint diseases such as arthritis, bursitis, osteochondrosis (OCD), hip dysplasia and other degenerative problems with the shoulders, elbows and hocks can now experience immediate and long-term relief without drugs.
Winston’s Joint System™
is a combination of three, totally-natural whole food supplements developed by a Naturopathic Doctor for his own dog. No drugs. No side-effects because it’s all just good whole food. No dosage problems because the body uses only what it needs. And now, with the latest product release, the System is showing results that are even more remarkable.
Winston’s provides many of the raw materials essential for the synthesis of the joint-lubricating synovial fluid as well as the repair of articular cartilage and connective tissue. We also include a natural anti-inflammatory compound, long used to relieve the pain of arthritis.
Within the first 30 days of treatment, dogs on Winston’s Joint System™ show noticeable and often remarkable improvement. And, unlike the drugs used to give temporary relief, IT CAN’T HURT.
Winston’s is a 3 part System. Each part is shipped in a separate bottle for freshness, and all 3 bottles are enclosed in our box.
The three parts essentially do the following:
Part 1 –
Boost the Joint Lubrication & Strengthen the Ligaments
Part 2 –
Cartilage and Bone Rebuilder
Part 3 –
Reduce Pain, Inflammation and Swelling
Winston’s Ingredients
Winston’s Joint System…
is a combination of safe, effective compounds. For decades they have been carefully processed for human use, and now they are combined into the most effective joint remedy we’ve ever seen — totally natural, whole food supplements, developed to treat human joint and bone disorders. Specifically, our compounds work synergistically to greatly reduce pain and inflammation. Theoretically, they build collagen and articular cartilage, strengthen ligaments and revitalize the joint-lubricating synovial fluid.
Part #1:
Boost The Joint Lube & Strengthen the Ligaments. The joint capsule is filled with synovial fluid, composed of nutrients which diffuse into the joint from the blood supply. It’s job is to lubricate the joint and prevent erosion of articular cartilage. Winston’s Joint System supplies components that could be critical to preventing free radicals and enzymes from white blood cells from attacking the articular cartilage. This is a collagen complex that supplies some of the raw materials needed for growth and repair
Part #2:
Cartilage and bone re-builder, without spurious deposits. Current medical literature contains much clinical evidence that ETArol™ is a tremendously effective treatment in many degenerative and inflammatory conditions. We use it to try and provide the building blocks required by the body to repair its own articular cartilage and reverse the deterioration of connective tissue. ETArol™ also strengthens ligaments for proper joint positioning while it keeps calcium in elemental form so that bone spurs don’t occur as hard deposits in the joint.
Part #3:
Down With Inflammation! Introduced for human consumption decades ago and recognized for its relief of arthritic symptoms, this formulation works particularly well in concert with the other compounds due to absorbability, digestive factors and synergistic effects. Based on bromelaine (pineapple enzyme) with lots of absorbable vitamin C which figures prominently in the biosynthesis of Type I collagen — the important structural protein that appears most often in connective tissue, bone and ligaments. This is a natural anti-inflammatory that can provide immediate relief without the harmful side-effects of steroid shots or other drugs.
Supplemental Massage:
Accupressure Massage Instructions: For hip dysplasia or other hindquarters problems, it helps to “switch on” the muscles in the hindquarters by slow, deep massage with your fingertips on both sides of your dog’s spine, along the last 3 or 4 vertebrae, all the way to the base of the tail. Massage firmly enough to get a reaction from your dog. Two minutes or so seems to make a big difference.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How long has Winston’s Joint System been available?
A. Winston’s Joint System was developed in 1992 by a naturopathic doctor for his own dog. Since that time, it has healed or helped thousands of dogs from all over the world.
Q. Will it work on humans too?
A. Yes it will. All of the ingredients are of human grade quality.
Q. Will it conflict with any other drug or supplement I’m now giving my dog?
A. No. There is nothing in the formula that will conflict with anything else in any way.
Q. How long until I see improvement?
A. It varies. Many dogs feel better almost immediately. Usually some strong signs of improvement will be seen within 2 to 3 weeks.
Q. What form is it in?
A. The formula is in capsule and tablet form. There are 3 capsules and 1 tablet, taken either once or twice a day, depending on the weight of the dog.
Q. Will it work for cats too?
A. Yes it will.
Q. Are there any side effects?
A. Yes, but they are only good ones. Your dog’s coat will improve in texture and shine, energy may greatly improve, and digestion of food should be enhanced.
Q. Can the formula be shipped outside of the United States?
A. Yes, we ship to many countries all over the world.